Nature, and my other Superpowers.

A Zoom course for children

3 x 1 hour sessions

With age appropriate theory and content for

Ages 7 -  10 years / 11 – 14 years / 15 – 18 years

Fun and interactive, this course encourages children and teenagers to tap into their own super powers for better mental health.  Delivery includes PowerPoint presentation, video sharing, discussions and simple breathing techniques.

Children are given Ecotherapy ‘Missions’ to practice every week to strengthen their superpowers.  

Week 1 - RESLIENCE - Past

Resilience as our ‘bounce back ability’.

Tough times are inevitable.   When we can’t control what happens, we can still control how we respond.  That’s our super power! 

   Week  2 -  GRATITUDE - Present

Why gratitude is so good for us – the science bit.

Simple ways to  create an ‘attitude of gratitude’.

Week 3 -  HOPE - Future 

Hope is a teachable skill. Once learned, we can keep nourishing hope so it grows, just like a sunflower, the international symbol of hope


“Michaela was fantastic with the children and the sessions were informative and fun  . . and helped our young people to refresh their positivity as well as improving their wellbeing during this current lockdown”

Margaret Kelly  Allegri Choir, Derry, N. Ireland


€250 per course

For groups of 6 - 10 participants

3 x 1 hour sessions

NB For child protection purposes, another adult must remain present online for course duration.

Use the button below to tell me about your group and request dates and times for your course.