It’s good to talk
Maybe it’s because I’ve got a story to tell and want to share mental health information far and wide. . . . or maybe it’s because I’m Irish, and just love to chat.
Conference Speaking
I cut my ‘speaking teeth’ delivering talks and presentations on the subject of mental health over 20 years ago; from 3 people in a community hall to 200 conference delegates in an auditorium, communication is key.
Special thanks to countless teenagers who had to listen to me as a guest speaker in their school, when they really didn’t want to be there. They let me change their minds about ‘emotional stuff’, and I’m grateful for that.
Most Recent
Tribe Healing Arts Community, Chicago Webinar panellist April 2021
Bogside and Brandywell Health Forum. Spring Social Prescribing. Connect Well Workshop via Zoom March 2021
NI & Ireland Social Prescribing Link Workers Conference online December 2020
To enquire about speaking at your event, please Get in Touch.
Click here to hear some podcasts I have spoken on.