Podcasts & Interviews

Listen to online conversations below:

The Mark Patterson Show

Recording from BBC Radio Foyle’s ‘The Mark Patterson Show’. There is a written version of this if you would prefer to read this piece - ‘Mother Nature is an Irish Mammy’. (Link Coming Soon)


This is an audio recording of a segment from my memoir known as ‘School Days’. This will soon be available to read on this website.

Macha Productions - post show guest

The Song House Podcast

Podcast guest with Dr Patricia Barber                  7th February 2021

SPOTIFY     https://open.spotify.com/episode/6YGazYAE4ITTw8T4NTKFty

Apple Podcasts   https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/2-thinking-about-ecotherapy

Interview with Linda Johnston 24th November 2020



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