Reset Sunday

How often do you check-in with your thoughts and feelings? Maybe not at all until there’s a problem or crisis. Then you become painfully aware of mental health, but your thoughts are distorted and unhelpful, motivation is low and anxiety is high. So, making a change and/or seeking support is even more difficult.

Long before this stage, by knowing yourself and your abilities better, you’ll be better able to avoid reaching crisis point at all. Professionals undoubtedly have an important part to play, but don’t underestimate how much YOU are the expert on your own mental health, you’re living with yourself every day after all! So, you are best placed to recognise unhealthy patterns and effect positive change early, and when necessary.

To do this you need accessible, easy to understand mental health education that fosters self awareness and builds resilience and coping strategies for when things are tough. Because as sure as you’re reading this now; sometimes, things will be tough!

So, what are you doing on Sunday?

Is it a day for lying on the sofa recovering from the night before, or building dread for the Monday morning to come? Let’s reframe Sunday as a day when we connect with ourselves and nature in some small way.

Pause and reset. weekly.

It’s not complicated and it’s not heavy. It’s simple, relatable information that you can apply to your own experience, or just store away for future reference.

Connect with yourself by checking in with how you’ve been thinking and feeling this week. Is there anything you can let go of? Anything that needs your attention? Crucially, what can you give yourself credit for?

Connecting with nature doesn’t have to be a day long retreat in the woods. Just step outside, look up at the sky, take your shoes off, focus on bird song or fluttering leaves, drop your shoulders and breath deeply.

To help you, ‘Reset Sunday’ messages are invitations or prompts. Some messages will resonate deeply, others won’t apply to you at all right now, but either way, they certainly won’t do you any harm.

If you can’t be bothered reading, scroll past the writing, and you’ll find a link to me chatting about the subject.

Each piece is about 3 minutes reading, or 3 - 5 minutes video watching time. As an investment in your mental health, this is good value . . . . and you can always go back to lying on the sofa after.

First up:

I chat about Reset Sunday in The Mintiaghs, at the foot of ‘The King’, by Lough Naminn in Inishowen. Rosy cheeked and hardly able to speak after 4 full days of Mountain Skills training, Aye, they’ve got some skills them there mountains!


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Life - Work balance